Welcome to Green Adjusters

The trusted name in insurance claims services

If you’ve experienced property damage, business interruption, or other losses, we’re here to help. Our team of experienced adjusters is dedicated to ensuring that you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to learn how we can help you navigate the complex world of insurance claims.

Why green adjusters?


Our team of skilled adjusters possesses extensive knowledge of the insurance industry and the claims process. We stay up-to-date with the latest regulations to ensure effective representation for our clients.

Personalized Service

We believe in providing personalized attention to each client. We take the time to understand your specific situation, tailor our approach accordingly, and keep you informed throughout the entire claims process.

Maximized Settlements

Our primary goal is to maximize your insurance settlement. We diligently evaluate your losses, gather supporting evidence, and negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.


Who We Are

Sam Green and the Green Adjusters team are your trusted partners in navigating insurance claims. With our personal approach, we bring expertise and experience to manage and settle your property damage and business interruption claims. We are dedicated to guiding you through the process, ensuring your best interests are always protected and securing the compensation you deserve.

Our Services

We offer a range of services to help our clients get the coverage they deserve, including:


Property Damage Claims

Whether it’s damage caused by fire, water, storms, or other perils, we assist you in filing property damage claims. Our team conducts thorough assessments, gathers supporting evidence, and negotiates with insurance companies to maximize your settlement.

Residential Claims

If your home has suffered damages due to incidents such as fire, water leaks, or vandalism, our adjusters are ready to assist you. We guide you through the claims process, advocating for your rights, and striving to obtain a fair settlement for the repairs and restoration of your property.

Natural Disaster Claims

When faced with the devastating effects of natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, or earthquakes, our team provides comprehensive assistance. We handle the entire claims process, ensuring that your losses are accurately documented and that you receive the appropriate reimbursement.

Business Interruption Claims

If your business operations have been disrupted due to an insured event, we are here to help. Our experts evaluate your financial losses, document the impact on your business, and work towards securing compensation for your business interruption.

Commercial Claims

We understand the unique challenges that businesses face when dealing with insurance claims. Our team specializes in commercial claims, including property damage, business interruption, and other commercial-related losses. We work diligently to protect your interests and help you recover financially.



We believe that our clients' satisfaction is the best measure of our success. Here are some testimonials from our satisfied clients:


An insurance adjuster is a professional who helps you navigate the insurance claims process. They assess damages, negotiate with the insurance company, and ensure you receive the maximum compensation possible.

Green Adjusters can assist with various insurance claims, including property damage, personal injury, commercial claims, and cargo claims.

Green Adjusters works on a contingency fee basis. We only get paid if we successfully secure a settlement for you. Our fee is a percentage of the settlement amount.

To begin the claims process, contact us by phone or email. We will schedule an appointment to assess damages and discuss your options for filing a claim.

Yes, you can file an insurance claim on your own. However, it can be complex and time-consuming. Hiring an experienced adjuster like Green Adjusters ensures efficient and effective handling of your claim.

The time to settle a claim varies based on its complexity and the insurance company’s response time. Green Adjusters work diligently to negotiate a fair settlement as quickly as possible.

No, Green Adjusters handles all communication with the insurance company on your behalf. We manage the process, allowing you to focus on recovery and moving forward.

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